Under power vested with the Delhi Medical Council under Section 10 (a) of the Delhi Medical Council Act 1997, the Council shall provide for registration of medical practitioners and maintain a live register.
Any person who possesses any of the qualifications in the First, Second or third Schedule to the Indian Medical Council Act,1956 shall, subject to any conditions laid down by or under that Act, and is in service in connection with, or wishes to practise in, modern scientific of medicine in Delhi, apply for registration in the live register of Council by applying to the Registrar in the prescribed Form, along with copies of certificates of educational qualification requieed, four passport size photographs and prescribed fees. The Registrar shall consider the application and if found in accordance with the Act shall issue a certificate of registration which shall be valid for a period of five years from the date of registration : Provided that any person who has passed the qualifying examination of any University or medical institution in India for the grant of a recognized medical qualification shall be entitled to be registered provisionally for the purpose of internship training and on an application made for provisional registration to the Registrar along with the prescribed fees, the Registrar will issue a certificate of provisional registration.
Persons registered with the Council are entitled to apply for entering additional qualifications acquired by them as specified in the Schedule to the Indian Medical Council Act, 1956, in the prescribed form on the Council's register on payment of the fee prescribed by the Council. After scrutiny of the application for Addtional Qualification(s), a new Registration Certificate shall be issued incorporating the additional qualification(s)in lieu of the original certificate of registration surrendered by the applicant. The period of validity of the Certificate shall remain as in the original certificate with a mention of date incorporating the addtional qualification(s).
Renewal of registration under section 22 of the Act would be done by the Council on receipt of application in the prescribed Form along with prescribed fee , within a reasonable period of time.
The Executive Committee of the Council may consider case of restoration of a person whose name had been struck off the register and may direct the Registrar to re-enter the name of the practitioner in the register on payment of the prescribed fees.